June 23, 2011

Simple, Beautiful Idea for a Site

Via a friend's newsfeed, I discovered this fantastic website:


I love it.

It's brilliant in its simplicity and poignant in its execution. Listening to the perpetual torrent of hyperbole and vitriol on cable news, one would think people in this country share zero almost nothing in common, and watching commercials touting jaw-dropping 3D special effects on our flatscreens and smartphones could understandably lead one to the conclusion that we have irrevocably forsaken our ability to appreciate the simple. This website instantaneously disabuses me of such cynicism. Who doesn't have photos like this lying around? And who isn't touched by looking through them?  As JFK observed, "What unites us is far greater than what divides us." (Non sequitur: Easily in the running for "Top Quotes Almost Always Taken Out of Context," inasmuch as was talking about the United States and Canada during remarks to the Canadian Parliament.)

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